What We Do
The Fort Bend Levee Coalition advocates with a collective voice on behalf of its members, addressing levee systems and flood protection. The Coalition engages with local, state, and federal agencies to ensure the necessary policies and resources are in place to safeguard the thriving communities of Fort Bend County.
The sustainability of Fort Bend County (FBC) is intertwined with its levees. Over $35 Billion in property investment and approximately 150,000 residents are protected by nearly 100 miles of levees. Nearly 27 percent of the total value in Fort Bend is protected behind levees.
These levees are entirely locally constructed without any federal funding. Each of the levees is operated and maintained under the oversight of a Levee Improvement District (LID) or a Municipal Utility District (MUD) run by its own set of directors.
The County, the cities and the LIDs share the common goal of protecting their residents from flooding.

Local Oversight, Control, & Funds.
Levees Work!
Fort Bend County LIDs have invested more than $450 Million in local dollars to improve the county's levees since Hurricane Harvey.